Archive | October 2014

Implant Thailand is on par with treatment done in developed countries

Healthy gums and teeth play an important role in general health and overall well being. When one or more teeth is lost, the alignment of teeth gets disrupted which can lead to teeth being misaligned as the tooth nearby moves into the cavity thus causing alignment problems like unwanted space between teeth where food gets lodged and can cause additional problems. Dental implants are a solution for such problems.

Dental Surgery Thailand – 5 Reasons Why it Makes Sense!!

Since nearly half of US citizens do not have healthcare insurance which incorporates dental surgeries, medicinal tourism and dentists in countries like Thailand are seeing ever-increasing numbers of foreign patients come to get a specialized dental treatment at affordable price range.

click here for more info :- Dental Surgery Thailand

Thailand medical travel and tourism is showing tremendous growth

Dentistry is the field of medicine which concentrates entirely on the health of teeth, gums and roots of the teeth. There are a number of dental procedures available today to correct any kind of dental problem.

visit here for more info :- Thailand medical travel and tourism